Publication (International collaboration)

The collaborative research result with Prof. Woo Seok Choi (SKKU) has been published in Advanced Materials.

Kyeong Tae Kang, Chang Jae Roh, Jinyoung Lim, Taewon Min, Jun Han Lee, Kyoungjun Lee, Tae Yoon Lee, Seunghun Kang, Daehee Seol, Jiwoong Kim, Hiromichi Ohta, Amit Khare, Sungkyun Park, Yunseok Kim, Seung Chul Chae, Yoon Seok Oh, Jaekwang Lee, Jaejun Yu, Jong Seok Lee, and Woo Seok Choi*, “Room-temperature ferroelectric ferromagnet in 1D tetrahedral chain network”, Adv. Mater. 1808104 (2019). (DOI: 10.1002/adma.201808104) (April 29, 2019) International collaboration, Dynamic Alliance for Open Innovation Bridging Human, Environment, and Materials (Five-Star Alliance) Frontispiece
