How to join our laboratory?
Our laboratory accepts and educates overseas students as well as Japanese students. If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to email to the faculty.
Prof. Hiromichi Ohta (hiromichi.ohta[at] Thermal transistors, Thermal switches
Prof. Tsukasa Katayama (katayama[at] Multiferroics, Flexible oxide thin films, Ferroelectric oxide thin films
Q. Which Graduate School are students belonging?
The students in our laboratory are belonging to the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (IST), Hokkaido University. (
Q. Who graduated?
You can see some information of the students who graduated from our laboratory. (
Q. In person lab tour is possible?
We accept in person lab tour any time. Please contact the faculty member by email. On line lab tour is also avairable. ( From China, you cannot watch the YouTube movie. In that case, please send an email to the faculty staff (hiromichi.ohta[at] We will provide you the movie.
Q. Where is the information on the entrance exam?
The entrance exam is held twice a year (February, August). You can find how to apply the entrance exam at the website of IST. (
Q. Before entering the graduate school, possible to be the research student?
You can be the research student of research institute for electronic science (RIES), Hokkaido University. For detail, please refer the following webpage. (