News & Topics

  • An investigation report on IGZO-TFTs

    An investigation report on IGZO-TFT written by Dr. Masayuki Suzuki, former chief investigator of the National …..

  • Student-led overseas training program from Sungkyunkwan University

    Mr. Junho Noh and Mr. Hwang Yu Lee (Master course students at Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) stayed in our la…..

  • Visitor from Hanyang University, Korea

    Prof. Jin-Seong Park and Prof. Seung-Yong Lee (Hanyang University, Korea) visited our laboratory (2023.06.23).

  • Award

    Mr. Kungwan Kang (1st year, Ph.D. candidate, IST, Hokkaido University) received the Outstanding Presentation A…..

  • Dean’s Award for Academic Achievement

    Ms. Mitsuki Yoshimura received the Dean’s Award for Academic Achievement, from the School of Engineering…..

  • Publication (International collaboration)

    The collaborative research result with Prof. Hyoungjeen Jeen (Pusan National University) and Dr. Qian Yang (Ji…..

  • Degree conference ceremony Spring 2023

    Degree conference ceremony Spring 2023 has been held. Dr. Binjie Chen received his diploma. Mr. Rui Yu receive…..

  • Award

    Mr. Yaoming Liu received the award “第58回 応用物理学会北海道支部学術講演会発表奨励賞”, which was held January 7-8, 2023……

  • IDW ’22 Double Award

    Dr. Prashant Ghediya (Postdoc) and Ms. Hui Yang (Visiting scholar, Ph.D. candidate at Beijing Jiaotong Univers…..

  • Press release: Solid-state thermal transistors realized

    Thermal transistors that electrically control heat flow have attracted growing attention as thermal management…..
